EU High Representative
for the CFSP
AB Ortak Dış ve Güvenlik Politikası Yüksek Temsilcisi
We believe in multilateralism. But we have to show that it can be effective in addressing new challenges. I believe that we have made a good start Ğ with NATO in the Western Balkans; with the UN and AU in the Great Lakes region.
Something truly remarkable happened on 1 May when Europe became a Union of 450 million people and 25 member states.
Enlargement was no surprise. We have been preparing for it for many years. We knew it would happen and we knew when. But enlargement is no less remarkable for that. At a time when many are asserting their independence, Europeans have asserted their interdependence. At a time when many stress what makes them distinct, Europeans have underlined what they have in common. This is the European miracle. We should be thankful for it. Through integration we are stronger, safer and more prosperous. Enlargement will continue to be a driver for change. Agreement on a new Constitution will bring important changes to our structures, our decision making and our capabilities. I have no doubt that further enlargement will also make us stronger.
Already, we are taking on new responsibilities for security; responsibilities to our citizens, to our neighbours and globally. As a Union of 450 million people, producing a quarter of the world's wealth, it is right that we do so. Terrorism, proliferation, organised crime, state failure and regional conflict each threaten the safety and well being of our citizens. If we are to address these threats effectively, we have to adapt. What happens beyond our borders can affect us too. The networks that transmit terrorism and organised crime flourish where states have failed.
They operate all too easily across our borders. If we want to tackle these issues inside the European Union, we must be prepared to act abroad. We are already doing this. We are developing new military and civilian capabilities. And we are using them, both in our neighbourhood and beyond. In the Western Balkans, for example, we are preparing to assume responsibility from the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) for peacekeeping in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).
We are also providing police support in BiH and in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. We have sent European peacekeepers to the Democratic Republic of Congo in response to a request from the United Nations for assistance. Their intervention helped to avert a much deeper humanitarian crisis in this troubled region. New challenges are emerging, even as I write - how to assist in averting a humanitarian crisis in Sudan; how to assist the transition to democracy and reform in Georgia. And we are active in new areas. We are more engaged in dialogue with Iran and with our Arab partners than at any time before. In time this role can only grow. Our resources are limited and the challenges are enormous. That is why we have to develop effective partnerships with the UN, with other regional organisations such as NATO and the African Union (AU) and with our main international partners such as the US and Russia. We believe in multilateralism.
But we have to show that it can be effective in addressing new challenges. I believe that we have made a good start Ğ with NATO in the Western Balkans; with the UN and AU in the Great Lakes region. Certainly, we can take quiet pride in what has been achieved.
But there is no room for complacency. If we are to respond to the expectations of our partners, our neighbours and Ğ most important Ğ our own citizens, Europe will have to continue to adapt, becoming more active, more coherent and more capable. This is the yardstick against which we should be tested. We should be confident Ğ but not complacent.
1 Mayıs'ta Avrupa'nın 450 milyon kişi ve 25 üye ülke olarak bir araya gelmesi gibi olağanüstü bir olay gerçekleşti. Yıllardır buna hazırlanıyorduk ancak genişlemenin önceden tahmin ediliyor olması onun olağanüstülüğünü engellemez. Birçoklarının bağımsızlıkta ısrar ettiği bir zamanda Avrupa karşılıklı bağlılıkta ısrar etti. Farklılıkların vurgulandığı bir dönemde Avrupalılar ortak noktalarını keşfettiler ve bu bizi daha güçlü, daha zengin ve daha güvenli hale getirdi.
Halihazırda güvenlik konusunda, vatandaşlarımızla ve tüm dünya vatandaşlarıyla ilgili sorumluluklar almaktayız ve 450 milyonluk nüfusumuz ve dünyadaki zenginliklerin dörtte birini temsil etmemiz nedeniyle bunu yapmamız gerekmekte. Terörizm, nufus artışı ve bölgesel çatışmalar sınırlarımızın dışında olmalarına rağmen vatandaşlarımızı etkilemekte. Bunlara çare bulmak için sınırlarımızın ötesinde de faaliyet göstermeye hazırlıklı olmalıyız.
Bunu yeni sivil ve askeri yetkinliklerle zaten yapıyoruz. Örneğin Baklanlar'da NATO'nun görevini devralmaya hazırlanmaktayız, Kongo'ya barışgücü gönderdik ve Sudan, Gürcistan, Irak gibi yeni görevler de çıkmakta.
Kaynaklarımız sınırlı ve görevler çok olduğundan, NATO, BM ve Rusya gibi müttefiklerle işbirliğine gitmeliyiz. Çok taraflılığın doğruluğuna inanıyoruz ve bunu ispatlamalıyız. Şimdiye kadar önemli işler başardık fakat vatandaşlarımıza, komşularımıza ve ortaklarımıza olan sorumluluğumuzu düşünerek daha güçlü, daha uyarlamacı ve daha tutarlı olmalı, kendimize güvenmeli ama yaptıklarımızla yetinmemeliyiz.