EU High Representative for the CFSP
BM OYGP Yüksek Temsilcisi
Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, made the following remarks on the occasion of the NATO summit in Istanbul and during a bilateral meeting with Secretary General Jaap DE HOOP SCHEFFER after the NATO decision to terminate the SFOR mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Having been present at the creation and launching of the NATO peacekeeping mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (IFOR) in December 1995, I fully share the sense of satisfaction and achievement in bringing the NATO operation in Bosnia to an end. The NATO Alliance should be proud of its decisive contribution to stabilising the Balkans allowing the process of reconciliation, reconstruction and return to move forward.
* Now a new phase has set in. Almost nine years have passed since the end of the war. The agenda of Dayton implementation is gradually being replaced by that of European integration. There are now new opportunities to seise, and new challenges to face.
* The objective is clear: to put Bosnia irreversibly on the track towards EU membership. In order to help Bosnia through this phase, the European Union is prepared to make use of all its instruments: political engagament, community assistance programmes, the ongoing Police Advisory Mission (EUPM), and a new military mission. All of this will be part of a comprehensive approach.
* The new aspect of EU engagement is the military component. We are ready to assume our responsibilities. The European Union looks forward to continuing working closely with the Alliance in planning and executing this new ESDP mission, on the basis of Berlin Plus. This is a practical example of our strategic partnership in crisis management with NATO.
* We are well advanced in our preparations. The public in Bosnia sees us working side by side. NATO will remain engaged, including in pursuing its highly successful programme of defense reform. Continuing at the same force levels as SFOR, the EU force will exercise Dayton authority. Once the security situation will allow us to do so, the force will be restructured to continue the mission.
* The key word here is transfer of ownership to the local Bosnian authorities, particularly in strengthening the rule of law.
* A point on cooperation with the Hague War Crimes Tribunal. Cooperation with ICTY is part of the bench marks of the stabilisation and association process, which is the key element in the relationship between Bosnia and the EU.
* Let me conclude by stating that our common objective is to bring a stable and prosperous BiH as close as possible to both organisations. I am confident that we will succeed.
EU-led mission, including a military component, in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)
EU Military Force (EUFOR)
* After NATO's decision, at its Istanbul Summit, to terminate the SFOR operation by the end of 2004, the EU will lead a military operation (EUFOR) in BiH based on the agreed "Berlin Plus" arrangements. This military operation will be conducted under the political control and strategic direction of the EU's Political and Security Committee (PSC), under the authority of the EU Council.
* The EU is expected to adopt a decision (joint action) on EUFOR in the weeks following Istanbul. Operation planning for this mission will start immediately after Istanbul.
* EUFOR's mandate is expected to be provided by a UN Security Council Resolution under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
* This military operation, assuming the responsibility to fulfil the role specified in Annexes 1A and 2 of the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP), is expected to comprise around 7,000 troops. The EU operation could be launched in December 2004. There will be close consultation with NATO.
Policing Aspects Including the Fight Against Organised Crime
The European Union's aim is to establish sustainable policing arrangements under BiH ownership in accordance with best European and international practice. It is currently pursuing that goal through the activities of the European Union Police Mission (EUPM), supported by the Community's institution building programmes under the CARDS Regulation. Both contribute to the overall peace implementation in BiH as well as to the achievements of the Union's overall policy in the region, notably the Stabilisation and Association Process. EUPM will continue with its core programmes, under joint ownership with the BiH Police Steering Board.
An Integrated Police Unit (IPU) style capability would be deployed initially as part of
EUFOR under military command.
EU Engagement in BiH
- Long Term Objective: A stable, viable, peaceful and multiethnic BiH, cooperating peacefully with its neighbours and irreversibly on track towards EU Member-ship.
-Medium-Term Objective: Supporting BiH's progress towards EU integration
by its own efforts, by contributing to a
safe and secure environment with the objective of the signing of a Stabilisation
and Association Agreement (SAP).
- Short Term objectives. To ensure a seamless transition from SFOR (NATO) to EUFOR (EU) in order to help maintain a secure environment for the implementation of the GFAP; the strengthening of local capacity building through support of the BiH authorities in implementing the 16 conditions in the feasability study as part of the SAP. The EU remains one of the major stake-holders in the Peace Implementation Process, providing 53 percent of the budget of the Office of the High Representative (ca. Euro 11 million), and the majority of whose seconded staff come from EU Member States. The EU Presidency, the European Commission, and several EU Member States are permanent members of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board, which provides political guidance to the High Representative.
In April 2002, the EU Council named Lord Ashdown its Special Representative in BiH, double-hatting the High Representative as an EU Special Representative. The EU's financial engagement in BiH which has been and continues to be significant, embodies the EU's strong commitment to support BiH's efforts towards European accession. The SAP represents the anchor for reform and the framework for the European course of BiH. Almost 2.5 billion of EC funds have been committed to BiH since 1991. In addition, EU Member states contributed over Euro 1.8 billion in bilateral assistance between 1996 and the end of 2001.
BM OYGP Yüksek Temsilcisi Javier SOLANA İstanbul'daki NATO toplantısı vesilesiyle ve Genel Sekreter Jaap DE HOOP SCHEFFER ile yaptığı ikili bir toplantıda NATO'nun Bosna Hersek'teki SFOR görevini sona erdirme kararıyla ilgili olarak aşağıdaki konulara değindi: ÒNATO'nun Bosna Hersek'teki barış gücü görevinin başarıyla sona ermesinden ve NATO gücünün Balkanlar'daki durumun dengelenmesine katkılarından dolayı mutluluk duymaktayım.
¥Savaş biteli nerdeyse dokuz yıl oluyor. Artık önümüzde üstesinden gelinmesi gereken başka zorluklar var.
¥Amaç bellidir: Bosna'yı AB yoluna geri dönülmez bir şekilde sokmak. AB bu konuda elinden gelen yardımı yapacaktır.
¥AB Berlin Plus çerçevesinde bu yeni ESDP görevini yerine getirmek için İttifakla yakın temas halinde çalışacaktır. Bu kriz yönetimi sırasında NATO ile ortak çalışma stratejimizin bir örneğidir.
¥Anahtar sözcük yetkinin yerel Bosna otoritelerine devredilmesidir.
¥Hague Savaş Suçları Mahkemesiyle ortak çalışma Bosna ve AB arasındaki ilişkilerde kilit önem taşımaktadır.
¥Ortak amacımız uluslararası organizasyonlarla yakın işbirliği içinde çalışarak dengeli ve refah içinde bir Bosna Hersek yaratmaktır. Bu konuda başarılı olacağımıza inanıyorum.
AB Askeri Gücü (EUFOR)
¥NATO'nun İstanbul'da aldığı karara göre, SFOR'un görevi 2004 sonunda bitecek. AB Bosna Hersek'te bir EUFOR görevi üstlenecek.
¥AB, EUFOR'da bir ortak hareket kararı alacak.
¥Bu askeri operasyon yaklaşık olarak 7,000 birliği kapsayacak.
VOrganize Suçlarla Mücadeleyi de kapsayan İdare Konuları
AB'nin amacı Bosna Hersek yönetimi çerçevesinde kalıcı idari çözümler sağlamaktır. Avrupa Birliği Polis Görevi (EUPM) ana programına Bosna Hersek Police İdari kadrosuyla ortak çalışarak devam edecektir.
AB Bosna Hersek'te uzun süreli, orta süreli ve kısa süreli olmak üzere yapılacak işleri üç ana başlık altında toplamış bulunmaktadır.