President of the European Commission
Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu Başkanı
Two years ago; in March 2002; I opened a conference on intercultural dialogue in Brussels. It sought to give fresh momentum to dialogue between cultures; with the Mediterranean as the focus and the background. The last two years have shown that our intuition and our determination were well-founded. We were right to stress the need for dialogue between peoples and cultures; and how pressing that need was.
ean family of nations.
Dialogue between cultures and peoples has never been needed more urgently than it is today.
There is no place for complacency, for our achievements have not always matched our ambitions. But we have done a lot since March 2002.
We have set up the Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for dialogue between cultures. It will be based in Alexandria; a city full of symbolism and meaning for the civilisations of the Mediterranean. Standing at the Mediterranean's crossroads, Alexandria is the place where its cultures have met and enriched each other down the centuries.
The negotiations were protracted and at times even hard going; given the political and symbolic importance of this initiative in this period.
But we never gave up and in the end we achieved our objective, thanks in particular to the fine work of the Irish Presidency.
The Foundation is the first example of an institution in which our partners on all shores of the Mediterranean can work on equal terms on joint actions. It is the first example of a new type of partnership we want to develop through new, special, ever-closer relations with all the countries around the Mediterranean.
Thanks to our Neighbourhood Policy;
and over these five years we have
worked hard to bring it into being; we want to turn the Mediterranean into a sea of peace. We want to put it back at the heart of our political action, and we want
to take full advantage of the momentum that is coming from Asia, which can
turn the Mediterranean into a hugely important economic and trading area.
Peace and development across the Mediterranean - starting in Jerusalem and moving on to Baghdad - are vital for achieving a new world balance, which is needed more and more urgently with every passing day.
The Foundation is a key instrument for taking new, practical action and fostering intercultural dialogue. All Euro-Mediterranean partners must now help to make this initiative a success. And the first step is to make sure it has an adequate starting budget.
It is also vital to ensure the Foundation and all involved in its work have total freedom and autonomy.
In addition to the Foundation, we have given a new Euro-Mediterranean dimension to certain Community programmes through Erasmus Mundus and Tempus MEDA.
To some extent, this has foreshadowed the proposal of ours I mentioned - the European Neighbourhood Policy.
Through these initiatives, we are seeking to give stronger focus to the human dimension of our action in the Mediterranean region.
That is also why I set up the High-Level Advisory Group on dialogue between peoples and cultures, which completed its work last November.
The Group drafted a discussion and policy report to impart fresh momentum to relations between the Mediterranean's peoples and give practical expression to the values they share.
In particular, the Group put forward 20 proposals under three headings, highlighting: education for learning about diversity and transmitting knowledge of the other, mobility, exchanges and skills, the media as an instrument for promoting equality and mutual knowledge.
I take this opportunity to greet the members of the High-Level Advisory Group here today - Malek Chebel, Simone Susskind, Bichara Khader, Pedrag Matvejevic and Fatima Mernissi.
It is no coincidence they have followed up the Group's work by taking a leading part in discussion here on such absorbing topics as: networks around the Mediterranean, the contribution of women and civil society, citizenship and social changes in Europe, and young people and religion.
Various participants have contributed significantly to the Commission's political reflection on what dialogue should actually entail. As Viviane REDING said, we Europeans must open up more and more to a pluralist, multipolar world where democracy and dialogue are the guarantees of peace and mutual respect.
And let us bear in mind what José Maria GIL-ROBLES said about dialogue being a method, a path - not an end in itself.
That is why several speakers have underlined the need to mobilise the largest possible number of actors - politicians, civil society, and those Vice-President LALUMIERE called the "dialoguers". As she stressed, no actor is perfect and none is self-contained. They are all needed in a pluralist approach to dialogue with the long-term aim of fostering the emergence of a Euro-Mediterranean public opinion.
Europe; which "has succeeded in unifying itself" has made its own experience available to the international community.
We have heeded the call from Ms TALLAWY, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary for the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia.
By putting the human being at the centre of policy-making, the right balance can be struck between the time spent on reflection and the time given over to action.
In the last two years, we have done a lot to put intercultural dialogue at the centre of our new political project for the Union in coming years.
Our proposal for the Union's policy priorities for 2007 to 2013 aims to give new, practical substance to the concept of European citizenship.
It does this by opening up opportunities for direct experience of what European citizenship and values mean in practice; values such as freedom, mutual respect, tolerance, openness and solidarity.
We aim to do this in particular through intercultural dialogue, people-to-people contacts, youth exchange projects and cross-border projects.
Ideas in the High-Level Advisory Group's report have inspired various proposals; for instance, to promote and extend the European Voluntary Service around the Mediterranean.
We also aim to open new educational, cultural, media, audiovisual and youth programmes to participants from neighbouring countries.
As I said two years ago, intercultural dialogue is meaningless unless the principle that all cultures enjoy equal dignity is matched by an acknowledgement that every individual enjoys equal rights.
Commitment to dialogue and cooperation is a mark of respect, not a sign of weakness on the part of the Europeans, or that of our Mediterranean partners.
The Union's commitment to dialogue indicates no lack of courage or conviction among the Europeans, as some would have us believe.
On the contrary, our belief in dialogue stems from respect for the Union's partners and neighbours and our determination to hold true to our own values.
Tragic developments are unfolding before our eyes in Iraq and the Middle East. They underline the futility and hopelessness of any approach that seeks to assert values by force of arms. Shared values can only be established through dialogue.
You can propose a system of shared values. You can offer your partners and neighbours the benefit of your soft power.
But no system of values - however commendable - can be imposed unilaterally.
And new walls cannot bring any real security. The way we see it, building peace and security means tearing down the walls.
It means fostering new types of dialogue and cooperation that heal the scars of the past and end the divisions between States and peoples.
Fighting terrorism calls for firmness, because we must defend our values. But it also demands exemplary behaviour in keeping with the values of our democracies.
The European Union has a record it can be proud of. I
t is a story of peace, mutual understanding and shared commitment.
We are the first example of a democracy that goes beyond national borders.
Our procedures may be slow and cumbersome, but they are profoundly democratic. And they are based on the free will of all the States and peoples that go to make up our Union.
It is our duty to offer our experience and the model we have developed over half a century of life together, for the sake of peace and reconciliation in other parts of the world.
Bundan iki yıl önce, 2002 yılının Mart ayında burda, Brüksel'de amacı kültürler arasındaki diyaloğa hız kazandırmak olan, odak noktası ve arka plan olarak Akdeniz'i ele alan, kültürler arası diyalog konulu bir konferansın açılışını yapmıştım. Geçen iki yıl kültür ve insanlar arası diyaloğa hız kazandırmak için baskı yapmakta ne kadar haklı olduğumuzu kanıtlamış bulunuyor. İnsanlar ve kültürler arasındaki diyaloğa hiç günümüzdeki kadar ihtiyaç olmamıştı. Henüz amaçlarımıza tam olarak ulaşamadığımız için yaptıklarımızdan memnun olmamızı gerektirecek bir durum yok. Ama yine de 2002 Mart'ından beri bir çok şey başardığımızı söylememiz gerek.
Kültürler arasındaki diyaloğu geliştirmek için, Akdeniz'in önemli bir kavşağında kurulmuş olan ve yüzyıllar boyunca Akdeniz'deki kültürlerin biraraya gelmesine ve birbirlerini etkilemesine ev sahipliği yapmış bulunan İskenderiye'de, Avrupa-Akdeniz Vakfını kurduk.
Zaman zaman görüşmeler uzadı hatta bazen oldukça zorlu geçti ama özellikle İrlanda'nın Başkanlığı sayesinde sonunda amacımıza ulaştık. Vakıf Akdeniz'in dört bir yanındaki ortaklarımızın eşit şartlarda bir araya gelebildikleri bir kuruluşun ilk örneğidir. Bu Akdeniz etrafındaki ülkeler arasında çok daha sıkı ilişkiler kurmak için geliştirmeyi istediğimiz ortaklığın ilkidir. Amacımız Akdeniz'i bir barış denizine dönüştürmektir.
Kudüs'ten başlayıp Bağdat'a kadar uzanan bir barış ortamı dünyanın yeni dengesini sağlamak için hayati önem taşımaktadır. Bu yüzden de bütün Avrupa-Akdeniz ortakları bu inisiyatifin başarıya ulaşmasına yardımcı olmalıdırlar. Ve atılacak ilk adım da yeterli bir başlangıç bütçesine sahip olmasını sağlamaktır. Ayrıca Vakfın çalışmalarında tamamen özgür ve otonom olmasını sağlamak da hayati önem taşımaktadır.
Vakfın dışında ayrıca Erasmus Mundus ve Tempus MEDA vasıtasıyla bazı Topluluk programlarına da hacim kazandırmış bulunuyoruz. Bu inisiyatifle hareketimize Akdeniz bölgesinde güçlü bir insan odaklanması sağlamayı arzu ediyoruz. Bu amaçla kurduğumuz Yüksek Derecede Tavsiye Grubu şimdiye kadar üç ana başlık altında 20 tane teklif öne sürmüş bulunuyor. İki yıl önce de söylediğim gibi kültürler arası diyalog bütün kültürler eşit haklardan yararlanamadığı sürece anlamsızdır. Değerlerin paylaşımı sadece karşılıklı diyalogla sağlanabilir, silahların zoruyla değil. Deneyimizi ve geliştirdiğimiz bu modeli dünyanın diğer bölgelerinde barışı sağlamak için sunmak görevimizdir.