Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium
Belçika Baþbakan Yardýmcýsý ve Dýþiþleri Bakaný
The Dialogue Between Civilisations and the Turkish Membership to the European Union
The history of Turkish immigration in Belgium became part of our common history. Forty years of common history, more than one generation, and successively years of prosperity and years of crisis, years of opening and years of withdrawal.
This year of 2003 is the commemoration of 40 years of Turkish presence in Belgium. In 1963 the first Turkish working people came to our territory to contribute to the national re-construction effort after World War II. The history of Turkish immigration in Belgium became part of our common history.
Forty years of common history, more than one generation, and successively years of prosperity and years of crisis, years of opening and years of withdrawal. Forty years of common history and fantastic prosperous interbreeding, living together
A marvellous mixture of colours, flavours and valuesÉ Together we built up profound and intimate links based upon true feelings, mutual opening and welcome.
Our cultures are indissociable because they are based upon like values of respect, tolerance and generosity.
Hundreds of thousands of Turks found a happy living in Belgium and became integrated Belgian citizens. And if we consider political life, two women of Turkish origins gained direct suffrage to be elected as senators at the Belgian Parliament.
I want to congratulate Mrs. PEHLIVAN and KACAR: their election is an important act of recognition and legitimisation of their actual presence of immigrant populations in Belgium and at the same time it is a proof of their talent and success in the integration process. I would like to discuss about 2 topics close at heart, at the same time universal and singular, timeless but heading the news and I think also closely linkedÉ : The dialogue between civilisations and the Turkish membership to the European Union.
The United Nations declared 2001 the year of the "dialogue between civilisations".
I am quite aware of this topic because I am convinced that that sort of dialogue is today of prime necessity for the recognition of others. It is not only about civilisations, geographical areas or States but it concerns the actual working of our societies.
The only means for mutual understanding and fighting against intolerance is a frank and open dialogue. A successful integration is based upon dialogue, source of listening, and reconciliation.
The basic principle of an actual dialogue of cultures remains equal dignity of cultures, their ability of inter-penetration and to enrich one another in an open mind of tolerance and mutual respect.
The second principle, closely linked with the first one, is the necessity of a cultural diversity, a right to the difference and identity.
It includes a conscious and humble approach. But that is the perspective of the dialogue of civilisations meant by the European Union.
That was the way Europe was constructed when in 1950, 6 States decided to work together, followed by 9 other ones and in the future by 13 new members.
The dialogue allows us to accept other aspirations and views upon the world. Dialogue allows new bridges to be built with gangways between the different worlds.
And thus I am deeply convinced that Turkey has a role of mediation between the Western World and Islam. This brings me to the question of Turkey's European destiny. It recently rose divergent statements. At the end of 2002 the debate was fierce when Mr. ValŽry Giscard
D'ESTAING disputed the role of Turkey in the European Union, which I deeply regret.
I greatly favour Turkey's membership to the European Union. The principle was established during the European Helsinki Summit at the end of 1999 and it seems not acceptable to me to come back on the decision of a membership decided with 15 more than 4 years ago!
For my part, I consider Turkey to be European. It is associated to the Union since 1963, a founding member of NATO where its role is a key role and during the cold war it was a loyal and efficient partner in the Atlantic Alliance.
Since the beginning of the 20th century, it chose to be a secular state, impartial and open to European values. I also want to stress the efforts made to re-enforce democracy and the law state since its recognition as a candidate status country. Progress was made as far as human rights and minority protection are concerned.
I also want to encourage legislative reform initiatives by the new government that should allow Turkey to reach the political criteria stated by the Union for the end of 2004.
I am convinced that these efforts will not be vain and the membership negotiations will be opened "without any delay" like stated in the conclusions of the Copenhagen Summit.
To the Turkish citizen or of Turkish origins I would like to re-affirm my confidence, my fidelity and my full support. I will end with the words of the Turkish poet Nazým HIKMET which share my sympathy because they represent the heart of the matter of any political struggle, of any society commitment:
"I do not burn
If you do not burn
If we do not burn
How will darkness turn into light".
2003 yýlýnda Türkler'in Belçika'ya geliþlerinin 40'ýncý yýldönümünü kutluyoruz. Ýkinci Dünya Savaþý'nýn ardýndan ülkenin kalkýnmasý için yapýlan çalýþmalarda yer almak üzere 1963 yýlýnda ilk Türk iþçileri geldiler. Belçika'ya Türk göçünün tarihi bizim tarihimizin bir parçasý oldu. 40 yýllýk ortak tarih, bir nesilden daha fazla. Ve bu nesil ülkenin kriz dönemini, kalkýnma dönemini yaþadý. 40 yýllýk tarih ayný zamanda etnik, kültür zenginlik, birlikte yaþama É Muhteþem bir renk, kültür ve deðer karýþýmýÉ Birlikte, candan ve derin ayný zamanda doðal, açýklýk ve karþýlýklý anlayýþlý bir mozaik bað kurduk. Kültürlerimiz birbirinden ayrýlmaz çünkü birbirlerine saygýlý, anlayýþlý ve cömertçe baðlý. Yüzbinlerce Türk, Belçika'da mutlu oldular ve Belçika vatandaþlýðýna geçtiler. Hatta tam olarak söylemek gerekirse politikada da 2 Türk kökenli haným var ki parlemantoya senator seçilebilmek için bu hanýmlar seçimlerde çok iyi netice almýþlardý. Bugün 2 konuyu açmak istiyorum: Uygarlýðýn diyaloðu ve
Türkiye'nin Avrupa Topluluðu'na üyeliði... Birleþmiþ Milletler 2001 yýlýnda uygarlýðýn diyaloðunu ifade ettiler. Bundan çok etkilendim çünkü günümüzde diyaloðun karþýdakini anlayabilmek için oldukça önemli olduðu kanýsýndayým. Yalnýzca uygarlýklarý, jeografik bölgeleri veya devletleri ilgilendirmiyor, fakat ayný zamanda toplumun iþleyiþini etkiliyor. Ancak diyalog ile karþýlýklý anlayýþ ve tolerans gerçekleþebilir. Diyalog, dinleme ve barýþ bütün uyumlarýn temelidir. Kültürler arasý gerçek diyaloðun birinci prensibi, bütün kültürlerin eþit saygýnlýðý, kaynaþma eðilimleri ve birbirlerinin kültürlerinden zenginleþip diðerlerine karþý, karþýlýklý saygý ve daha toleranslý olmak. Ýkinci prensip ise birinciden farksýz olup, ayrýca kültürlerarasý farklýlýðý gerektirip, farka ve özdeþliðe hakký olmak. Bu durum, aydýnlýk, açýklýk ve alçakgönüllülük gerektiriyor. Bu görüþe istinaden Avrupa Topluluðu uygarlýklarýnýn diyaloðunu gözönünde bulunduruyor. Avrupa'nýn kurulmasýnda da bu görüþ göz ardý edilmedi ve 1950 yýlýnda 6 devlet birleþmeye karar verdi, akabinde 9 oldular ve daha sonra 13. Diyalog sayesinde dünyaya bakýþ açýsý deðiþebilir. Dünyalar arasý bir köprü kurmak da yararlý olup, var olan baðlarý çoðaltýr. Bu durumda, eminim ki Türkiye, Batý ve Ýslam arasýnda oldukça önemli bir rol almaktadýr. Aklýma hemen Türkiye'nin Avrupalý oluþu geliyor. Bu soru kýsa zaman önce, 2002 yýlýnýn sonuna dogru ValŽry Giscard D'ESTAING'in konuþmasýna istinaden Türkiye Avrupa Birliði'nde yerini alamadý. Bundan büyük üzüntü duyuyorum. Ben Türkiye'nin Avrupa Birliði üyeliðinin savunucusuyum. 1999 yýlýnda Helsinki
Zirvesi'nde bu prensip öngörüldü ve sebep olarak da 4 yýl önce 15 ülkede kalmak gerekliðini kabul etmiyorum. Bana göre Türkiye bir Avrupa ülkesidir. 1963 yýlýndan beri ortak bir anlaþma ile Birlik'e baðlýdýr, anahtar rol aldýðý NATO'nun kurucu üyesidir, soðuk savaþ sýrasýnda ise Atlantik Alliance'in destekçisi oldu. 20. yüzyýlýn en baþýndan beri bölünmez ve Avrupa'ya açýk bir laik devlet oldu. Ayrýca Avrupa Birliði'nde adaylýðý sözkonusu olduðundan bu yana devlet olarak adaylýk statüsü doðrultusunda gerçekleþtirdiði özverileri de ihmal etmeyelim. Yeni hükümeti almýþ olduðu reform inisyatifler için kutluyorum. Bu reformlarýn 2004 sonunda Türkiye'nin Avrupa Birliði üyesi olmasýnda büyük bir politik kriter olduðunu düþünüyorum. Ben eminin ki Kopenhag Zirvesi'nde öngörüldüðü gibi, yapýlacak olan görüþmelerde "erteleme yapmadan" Avrupa Birliði üyeliði açýk bir þekilde görüþülecektir. Gerek Belçika'daki Türk kökenli gerek diðer ülkelerdeki tüm Türk halkýna bir kez daha desteðimi ve sadakatimi vurgulamak istiyorum. Sözlerimi, benim için büyük önem taþýyan Nazým HÝKMET'in bir þiiri ile bitirmek istiyorum: "Eðer yanmýyorsam, eðer yanmýyorsan, eðer yanmýyorsak, karanlýktan aydýnlýða nasýl çýkarýz."