The General Manager of DEWS
DEWS Genel Müdürü
We Look Forward To Working With You
WESTERN Switzerland is one of Switzerland's most dynamic and inviting areas, composed of three cantons of Vaud, whose capital is Lausanne, Canton of Neuchatel, whose capital is Neuchatel and Canton of Valais, whose capital is Sion. DEWS (Development Economic Western Switzerland) has been borned by the contribution of these 3 Cantons' economic departments.
Francis SERMET; who has served 10 years in the Swiss diplomatic service, in charge of economic, political and cultural affairs in Canada, Paris, West Africa ; 17 years in charge of the economic development of the State of Neuchatel; 2 years in charge of the Economic Development of the Canton of Vaud and from February 2002, still in charge of DEWS says: "Switzerland in general and our region in particular provide an excellent base for all types of business activity, and we are ready to present you the many advantages and assets we offer. These natural assets include: Stability, safety, and security; highly productive, well-educated, and industrious workforce; modern infrastructure, attractive business climate, and very low taxes; central location at the crossroads of Europe; and multicultural, multilingual and international environment. An appealing program of financial and other incentives enable us to enchance our many advantages. Our task is to facilitate your arrival and to help you establish and ramp-up your business. We provide a comprehensive package of assistance covering everything you need to do business in Western Switzerland, including: Business plan development; tax exemptions and other financial incentives; research and development grants; investment and job training assistance; financial and business partnerships; work and residency permits; office space, industrial land, scientific parks, entrepreneurial zones, free trade zones, and business centers; financial institutions and venture capital funds; housing, schools, transportation, health services and shopping guides; and advocacy support in dealing with federal, cantonal and municipal governments. We serve as a one-stop shop to clients and provide all of our services at no charge. As tax incentives and work permits often are a major concern of new businesses arriving in the country, we concentrate on these key elements while supporting every step you take in getting your company and your family established in Western Switzerland. We consider ourselves part of your team, which means your problems also are ours, and your success is ours as well. We look forward to working with you, and we invite you to visit Western Switzerland to see for yourself all that we have to offer.
Batı İsviçre Ekonomi Geliştirme Dairesi (DEWS), Neuchatel, Vaud ve Valais kantonlarının ekonomi dairelerinin güçlerini birleştirerek, tek çatı altında biraraya getirip, yabancı girişimcilere , finansman, kredi, sübvansiyon, ticari imkanlar, özel vergi şartları ve birçok sosyal avantajların da bulunduğu resmi destekler sağlamaktadır. DEWS'ın Genel Müdürü Francis SERMET'in de belirttiği gibi, DEWS'ın amacı, profesyonel düşünebilen, vizyonu geniş, hizmetinde ve ürünlerinde kaliteyi ön planda tutan şirketleri bölgeye çekmek, teknoparklar, bilimsel parklar ve iş merkezlerinden faydalanmalarına olanak sağlayarak, onlara projelerinde gerekli destekleri vererek, başarılı olmalarına, verimlilik ve karlarını arttırmalarına yardımcı olmaktır. Bir çok ülkede bulunan temsilcilikleri vasıtasıyla çok geniş bir alana hitap ederek çalışmalarını devam ettirmekte olan DEWS, Türkiye'de de Begotex S.A. aracılığı ile Türk Firmalarının yurt dışı çalışmalarında çeşitli destekler sağlamaktadır.