President of the Confederation of Hellenic Associations of Young Entrepreneurs O.E.S.Y.N.E.
Yunan Genç Girişimciler Dernekleri Konfederasyon Başkanı YES Gözlemci Üyesi, Yunanistan Genç Girişimciler Derneği (HAYE) Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı
Young Entrepreneurs Innovation And the Power of Networking
Innovation thrives in a culture that is not afraid of
risk-taking, promotes the value of experimenting, and rewards enterprise. We need to create the right culture to support us in our efforts to become better innovators.
For example, improving our vision, attitude and strategic approach to innovation, the entrepreneurial expertise of
our managers, and our graduates' skills in creativity, oral business communications and problem solving.
To capture young people's interest in and enthusiasm for innovation, we recommend that the National Governments and business support organisations must develop a program for young entrepreneurs. The program would strengthen networks for young entrepreneurs, and recognise excellence. An enhanced program for graduates to take part in industry placements would complement this.
To enhance teacher capability, the same program would encourage teachers to take up learning opportunities with innovative businesses, and provide them with direct experience so they are better positioned to transfer this knowledge to students.
New ideas are fundamental to a dynamic and growing economy.
A high quality and well-resourced research capacity is critical to Europe's ability to compete.
In Greece the current level of public research funding is not adequate to keep us competitive in the future. The situation is changing rapidly as other EU countries announce major R&D initiatives involving significant outlays of funds. To strengthen our's research base in Greece, we recommend an increase in research funding and increasing funding for infrastructure in universities.
In addition a suite of related initiatives, including more effective promotion and stimulus for philanthropy for science and research, more streamlined access to available innovation support programs through a one-stop access point and an advisory service for businesses.
Successful commercialisation depends not only on the individual performance of players, but also on how they interact with each other. Knowledge flow in European innovation is vital, including relationships amongst businesses, governments, research agencies, non-government organisations and universities. To better coordinate and foster links between research organisations and businesses, each European country must develop a national technology incubator program.
We need to maximise commercialisation of research conducted by European universities and other public research institutions by having the right incentives in place. Establishment of a pre-seed fund, access to appropriate commercialisation advisory services and appropriate research staff incentives would be major steps forward.
Although most business people aspire to become successful in terms of their business venture, let's face it, not everyone realizes this goal. After all, if it were that simple to achieve business success, wouldn't everyone go out and start their own business?
Indeed it's a relatively small group of individuals who are among those who see their business grow to significant heights.
And to do so in a relatively short time frame - as a young person - is even more rare. But just because there are indeed entrepreneurial youths who buck this trend and achieve business success, doesn't mean that they know everything. So when those successful youths are experiencing a problem or dilemma, where can they turn for advice?
The answer is the Associations of Young Entrepreneurs.
To become a member of an Association of Young Entrepreneurs you must join the organization before your 40th birthday, and, be a founder, co-founder, owner or majority shareholder of any type of business. Associations of Young Entrepreneurs gives you the opportunity to get together with people who have the same type of concerns and issues. The single biggest benefit, and any member will tell you this throughout the world, is the forum; that's the main reason members are there.
At a forum. which is the ultimate medium for idea exchange, you can discuss any issues you want - business or personal. You start by making a presentation on the issue and the members of your group provide feedback based on past experiences.
Despite variance in the size of businesses involved in the Associations, everyone can benefit from the diversity of members in the group.
Some might think that a person who has a relatively small business would have little to offer someone who has a large business, but that's not the case at all. Everyone can gain from the experience of each other and you can certainly learn something from everyone in the Association.
Speaking from personal experience, it is this perception of 'What can I offer to those people,' which also includes a bit of an intimidation factor that may act as a hindrance to joining the Association of Young Entrepreneurs.
However there is no reason to feel intimidated by other members of the Association, as everyone who participates definitely has something to offer, and more importantly, can gain from the membership, thereby helping their business continue to succeed.
Aside from the local benefits, National Associations of Young Entrepreneurs also offers members the opportunity to take in international conferences, where members can socialize and interact with other members from other EU countries.
Yenileşme; risk almaktan korkmayan, yeni deneylere açık ve girişimciliği ödüllendiren bir kültürün içinde kendine yer bulur. Gençlerin yeniliğe karşı ilgi ve şevkini teşvik edebilmek için ulusal hükümetler ve iş dünyası genç girişimciler için programlar oluşturmalıdır. Yeni fikirler dinamik ve büyüyen bir ekonominin temel taşlarını oluşturur. Avrupa'nın kendi rekabet gücünü artırabilmesi için de kaliteli ve kaynakları sağlam bir araştırma gücüne ihtiyacı vardır. Yenilikler konusunda Avrupa'nın kendi içindeki bilgi akışı da önem taşımaktadır ve bu noktada işletmeler, hükümetler, araştırma kuruluşları, sivil toplum kuruluşları ve üniversiteler arası işbirliği önem taşımaktadır. s
Diğer yandan, genç girişimcilerin bir araya getirilmesi ve sorunlarla karşılaştıklarında danışabilecekleri merkezlerin olması önemlidir. Genç girişimci dernekleri bu açıdan önemlidir. Bu arada ne yazık ki kendi deneyimlerimden çıkardığım sonuç gösteriyor ki zaman zaman bu tür oluşumların dışındaki kişi ve kuruluşlar bu derneklere üye olmaya çekinebiliyorlar. Örneğin küçük ölçekli bir işletmenin başındaki bir kişi dernekteki büyük kuruluş temsilcilerine aktarabileceği bilgi ve deneyimi olmadığını düşünebiliyor. Oysa geldiği kuruluşun büyüklüğü ne olursa olsun herkesin bu tür platformlarda paylaşabileceği birikimleri olduğunu unutmamak gerek.