USA ex-Foreign Affairs Minister ABD Eski Dışişleri Bakanı
Any Government That Shelters Groups Capable of This Kind Of Attack Must Pay An Exorbitant Price
An attack such as today's requires systematic planning, a good organization, a lot of money and a base. You cannot improvise something like this, and you cannot plan it when you're constantly on the move. Heretofore our response to attacks, and understandably so, has been to carry out some retaliatory act that was supposed to even the scales while hunting down the actual people who did it. This, however, is an attack on the territorial United States, which is a threat to our social way of life and to our existence as a free society. It therefore has to be dealt with in a different way - with an attack on the system that produces it.
The immediate response, of course, has to be taking care of casualties and restoring some sort of normal life. We must get back to work almost immediately, to show that our life cannot be disrupted.
And we should henceforth show more sympathy for people who are daily exposed to this kind of attack, whom we keep telling to be very measured in their individual responses.
But then the government should be charged with a systematic response that, one hopes, will end the way that the attack on Pearl Harbor ended - with the destruction of the system that is responsible for it. That system is a network of terrorist organizations sheltered in capitals of certain countries. In many cases we do not penalize those countries for sheltering the organizations; in other cases, we maintain something close to normal relations with them.
It is hard to say at this point what should be done in detail. If a few months ago I had been asked whether such a coordinated attack as today's was possible, I, no more than most people, would have thought so, so nothing I say is meant as a criticism. But until now we have been trying to do this as a police matter, and now it has to be done in a different way.
Of course there should be some act of retaliation, and I would certainly support it, but it cannot be the end of the process and should not even be the principal part of it. The principal part has to be to get the terrorist system on the run, and by the terrorist system I mean those parts of it that are organized on a global basis and can operate by synchronized means.
The question is not so much what kind of blow we can deliver this week or next. And the response, since our own security was threatened, cannot be made dependent on consensus, though this is an issue on which we and our allies must find a cooperative means of resistance that is not simply the lowest common denominator. It is something we should do calmly, carefully and inexorably.
Şimdiye kadar saldırılara misilleme ve suçluları avlamaktan oluşan harekatlarla cevap verirdik. Ama bu kez ABD, diğer bir deyişle sosyal yaşam biçimimiz ve özgür toplumumuzun varlığı hedeflendi. Bu kez değişik bir tepki vererek, bu saldırıyı doğuran sisteme saldırmak zorundayız. Tabii ki ilk tepkimiz yaralılarımızla ilgilenmek ve normal yaşama geri dönmek olmalı. Derhal işe geri dönerek yaşam düzenimizin bozulamayacağını kanıtlamalıyız. Bundan böyle de, bu tür saldırılara her gün hedef olan insanlara tepkilerini kontrol etmelerini söylemek yerine, daha sıcak davranmalıyız. Hükümetin sistematik bir tepki göstererek, bu saldırıdan sorumlu olan sistemi yok edeceğini umuyoruz. Şu anda yapılması gerekenleri ayrıntılarıyla belirtmek zor. Bundan bir ay önce bana da böyle koordine bir saldırının olabilirliğini sorsalardı, olamaz derdim. Bu nedenle, söylediklerimin hiçbirinin eleştiri olarak algılanmaması gerekiyor. Tabii ki bir tür misilleme yapılmalı. Ama bu ne bu işin sonu, ne de esas amaç olmalı. Esas yapılması gereken terörist sistemin kaçmasını sağlayarak, küresel bazda ve senkronize biçimde hareket etmesini önlemek olmalı. Sorun bu hafta veya gelecek hafta nasıl vuracağımız değil. Ayrıca, güvenliğimiz tehdit edilmiş olduğundan, tepkimiz genel bir fikir birliğine de bağlı olamaz. Ama bu konuda biz ve dostlarımız basit bir ortak paydadan oluşmayan ortak bir direnme şekli bulmalıyız. Bunu da sakin, dikkatli ve acımasız bir biçimde yapmalıyız.