Silme Alan / Bleed | 22 x 30 cm
| Ücretsiz olarak / Distribute free of charge to:
TUGIAD Uyeleri/ Tügiad Members
YES Yonetim Kurulu (Avrupa Genc Is Adamlari Dernekleri Konfederasyonu) / YES Board Members
TUSIAD / Turkish Industrialists' And Businessmen' Association
YASED / Association For Foreign Capital Coordination
1907 Fenerbahce Dernegi / 1907 Fenerbahçe Association
Turk - Belcika Ticaret Dernegi / Turkish Belgium Trade Association
Protokol / Protocol
VIP Adresler / VIP Addresses
Cerceveli Alan / Trim | 19 x 27 cm
| Kapak Kagidi / Cover | 170gr/m2
Ic Kagidi / Inside Pages | 115 gr/m2
 | Cok renkli ofset / Printed in full color offset
 | 3 Ayda bir / Published quarterly
 | Tiraj / Circulation12.000 adet / copies
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